About Wendy

My life has been a spiritual journey to understand myself, other people and my Divine Creator.  On my search for a Universal Source connection, I studied and practiced Christian, Buddhist and Sufi traditions and various healing modalities including Reiki and Spiritual Direction.  Since 2008 I have walked on a Universal path to embody and express Source LOVE on Earth.

I began a daily meditation practice in 1985 and used many different methods over the years.  In 2015 I began creating guided meditations and poetic expressions with the support of Frits Evelein and his Music from Source.  These messages and music hold the energy of Source.  The gentle guidance allows you to focus your awareness and expand your consciousness into our multidimensional universe.  Our intention is to support you in deepening your own experience of your divine essence and your direct connection to Source.  

I also offer spiritual guidance and energy healing to individuals and groups (since 1997).  I support people in living their passion and their purpose and connecting more deeply to their Soul and their Source.  I use the Omnium Method of healing and consciousness expansion.

I am grateful for the richness of my life filled with creative expression, deep relationships, and spiritual guidance work.  I delight in gardening, hiking, traveling, and contemplating the infinite beauty of this Universe.